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Ravenscroft, A. (2020) Participatory internet radio (RadioActive101) as a social innovation and co-production methodology for engagement and non-formal learning amongst socially excluded young people. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 26 (6), pp. 541-558.


Ravenscroft, A., Dellow, J., Brites, M. J., Jorge, A. and Catalão, D. (2018) RadioActive101-Learning through radio, learning for life: an international approach to the inclusion and non-formal learning of socially excluded young people. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 24 (9), pp. 997-1018.​


Cooper, A., Ravenscroft, A., Preston, S., Castro Romero, M.,(2017) Reengaging Disconnected Youth Through Radio Drama: A Study Examining an Intervention to Promote Metacognition and Meaningful Dialogue. Proceedings of British Educational Research (BERA) Conference 5-7 September 2017, University of Sussex, United Kingdom.


Gerken, T., Ravenscroft, A., Tucker, I., Kerr, G. (2017) Developing and Investigating a Participatory Internet Radio Intervention to Support Psychoeducation and Non-Formal Learning in At-Risk Youth, Proceedings of EC-TEL 2017 Doctoral Consortium. Tallinn, Estonia, 12 September 2017.


Ravenscroft, A., Rainey, C., Dellow, J. (2016) Engagement Before Ownership: Reflections on Participatory Radio as a Learning Intervention with Disenfranchised Groups, Proceedings of Online Educa Berlin (OEB), Berlin Germany, 1 Dec 2016, pp124-127, ISBN 978-3-941055-34-6. 


Ravenscroft, A., Balica, M., Fartusnic, C., Rainey, C. (2015) Implementing and Evaluating the space of Participatory Radio as an Educational Intervention for Inclusion, Self-efficacy and Informal Learning, British Educational Research Association's (BERA) Annual Conference, Belfast, UK, 15-17 Sep 2015.


Ravenscroft, A., Rainey, C., Dellow, J. (2015) Deep Learning Design for Social Innovation Participatory Radio for Developing 21C Skills with Disenfranchised Learners, Proceedings of the Workshop Design for Learning in Practice at the Tenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Workshop as part of Tenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Toledo, Spain 14-18 Sep 2015


Ravenscroft A., Rainey, C., Dellow J., Brites, M.J., Auwärter A., Balica, M., Rees A., Camilleri A. F., Jorge, A., Dahn, I., Fenech J. (2015) RadioActive Europe: promoting engagement, informal learning and employability of at risk and excluded people across Europe through internet radio and social media (RadioActive101). RadioActive Europe Public Project Report 2015


Ravenscroft, A., Rainey, C., Brites, M. J., Correia, S., Catalão, D., Dahn, I., Dellow, J. (2015). RadioActive101 Adapting the 'space' of radio as participatory media to promote inclusion, informal learning and employability, Chapter 3 of Participatory Methodologies: Media and education, Eds. Editors: Maria José Brites, Sílvio Correia Santos and Ana Jorge, pp 37-45.


Ravencroft, A., Rainey, C., Brites, M. J., Correia Santos, S., Dahn, I., Dellow, J. (2015). Reflections on the Acceptance and Success of RadioActive101: Motivation through Problematisation, Improved Well-being, Emancipation and Extreme Learning. In: Teresa Holocher-Ertl, Christine Kunzmann, Lars Müller, Verónica Rivera Pelayo, Andreas P. Schmidt, Carmen Wolf: Motivational and Affective Aspects in Technology Enhanced Learning (MATEL). Workshop-Proceedings of MATEL Workshop 2013-2014, KIT Scientific Working Paper vol., KIT, 2015, ISSN 2194-1629, pp. 28-36


Ravenscroft, A. (2014). RadioActive101: Implementation and Evaluation of Internet Radio as an Educational Intervention for Inclusion, Informal Learning and Employability, as part of Addressing Inequality: Is ICT a Silver Bullet?, Proceedings of Online Educa, Berlin, 5 December 2014


Ravenscroft, A., Rainey, C., Brites, M.J., Correia Santos, S., and Dellow, J. (2014). RadioActive101: RadioActive101 Using internet radio to break-down the boundaries for inclusion into smart cities ECTEL 2014. Full Paper in Proceedings of International Workshop on Smart City Learning, European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning 2014, Graz, Austria, 16 Sept 2014


Ravenscroft, A., Edmonds, C., Reed, K., Murphy, A., Dellow, J. and Qureshi, S. (2013). International Internet Radio as radical pedagogy for Inclusion, Informal Learning and Employability, from the proceedings of Online Educa 2013, Dec 3-5, Berlin, Germany.


Ravenscroft, A., Edmonds, C., Atwell, G., Hughes, J., Steiglitz, D., Blagbrough, D., Dellow, J., Hassan, E Murphy. A (2013). RadioActive Inclusive Informal Learning through Internet Radio and Social Media. Proceedings of British Educational Research (BERA) Conference 3-5 September 2013, University of Sussex, United Kingdom.


Ravenscroft, A., Murphy, A., Edmonds, C. & Dellow, J. (2013). RadioActive101 Rethinking radio as radical pedagogy for inclusion, engagement and informal learning for social impact. Proceedings of Radio Research 2013: Radio, the resilient medium, London 11-13 September 2013.


Ravenscroft, A., Schmidt, A., & Cook, J. & Bradley, C. (2012). Designing social media for informal learning and knowledge maturing in the digital workplace. Special Issue of Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (CAL), on Designing social media for informal learning and knowledge maturing in the digital workplace (Eds.)


Ravenscroft, Warburton, Hatzipanigos & Conole, Vol. 28, 3, 235-249.


Ravenscroft, A., Warburton, S., Hatzipanigos, S., & Conole, G. (2012). Designing and evaluating social media for learning: Shaping social networking in social learning? Editorial for Designing and evaluating social media for learning: shaping social networking into social learning?, Vol. 28, 3, pp 177-182

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