RadioActive 2.0
"Voices That Are Usually Unheard"

RadioActive 101 (C.2010-2020)
Putting the Voices That are Usually Unheard at the Centre of the Stage
RadioActive 2.0's predecessor - 'RadioActive 101' ran from approximately 2010-2020 and achieved substantial success as a social intervention. Towards the bottom of this page are images taken from articles and initiatives which took place during this era.
Previous impactful interdisciplinary research of the RadioActive101 team at UEL has shown how participatory internet radio – RadioActive101 – can perform as an original social, psychosocial and pedagogical innovation (Ravenscroft et al., 2018; Ravenscroft 2022). It was particularly successful in supporting socially excluded young people to develop: confidence and self-esteem; 21C skills (critical and creative thinking, communication and team-working); and, digital and employability skills more generally (including soft skills and industry specific journalistic and media skills). It was developed and evaluated through UK and European funding (totalling £473K), that led to engaging over 680 participants through 49 Associate Partner organisations, including 29 employability placements in Music Performance, and broadcasting to listeners in 57 countries.
You can listen and check out some of the radio and podcast projects which were created during the RadioActive 101 era via the links below: